The Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) is a social-democratic political party in Germany. The party, led by Chairman Martin Schulz since 2017. Has governed at the federal level in Germany. As part of a grand coalition with the CDU and the CSU since December 2013. The SPD is a member of the Party of European Socialists and initiated. The founding of the Progressive. Alliance international for social-democratic parties on 22 May 2013. After criticizing the Socialist International for its acceptance of authoritarian parties.
Established in 1863, the SPD is by far the oldest extant political party represented in. The German Bundestag and was one of the first Marxist-influenced parties in world history. It has been part of every government since 1919 except between 1933 and 1945. When it took an oppositional role during Nazi rule. Through being banned from participating in parliamentary democratic processes. Including them having been legally forbidden from operating. As an organized force again until 1991.
The Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) is a social-democratic political party in Germany.
The Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. SPD) is a social-democratic political party in Germany. It was founded on 1 January 1875 by Ferdinand Lassalle. Other activists who had left the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP). The party was a member of the International Workingmen's Association and has existed continuously since then.
The current leader of the SPD is Martin Schulz.
Led by Chairman Martin Schulz since 2017, has governed at federal level in Germany as part of a grand coalition with the CDU and the CSU since December 2013.
The party, led by Chairman Martin Schulz since 2017, has governed at federal level in Germany. As part of a grand coalition with the CDU and the CSU since December 2013. The party also participated in a minority government led by Chancellor Angela Merkel between 2009 and 2013.
The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) is one of five parties that make up the Social Democratic Federation (SPD). It was formed in 1890 when left-leaning members split from their rival faction within the German Social Democratic Party (SDAP). It adopted its current name in 1912 following its merger with several smaller groups including Karl Liebknecht's Independent Socialist Party; this new entity soon grew into one of Germany's largest political parties throughout most of its history until being overtaken by other major players like Juso student movement during post-war period..
The SPD is a member of the Party of European Socialists and initiated the founding of the Progressive Alliance international for social-democratic parties on 22 May 2013 after criticising the Socialist International for its acceptance of authoritarian parties.
The SPD is a member of the Party of European Socialists and initiated the founding of the Progressive Alliance international for social-democratic parties on 22 May 2013 after criticising the Socialist International for its acceptance of authoritarian parties. It is also one of only two German parties to have won a general election since 1949 (the other being Die Linke). The party has been led by former Chancellor Willy Brandt since 1987, when he succeeded Erich Ollenhauer as leader after serving as mayor and minister president in Hesse.
The SPD is currently led by Martin Schulz following his election as Secretary General at its congress on 26 February 2016.
Established in 1863, the SPD is by far the oldest extant political party represented in the German Bundestag and was one of the first Marxist-influenced parties in the world.
The Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), also known as social democratic, is a social-democratic political party in Germany. It was formed with German reunification in 1990 and has been part of the ruling coalition since 1998. The SPD participates in nine out of 16 state governments, including those in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg and Hesse.
The SPD's current leader is Andrea Nahles.
It's a major political party in Germany
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) is a political party in Germany, which is one of the country's oldest surviving political parties. It was founded in 1875 and currently holds seats in the Bundestag and Bundesrat, making it the second-largest party after Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
The SPD has been affiliated with social democratic parties internationally since 1918. It was a founding member of the Socialist International, founded by Karl Kautsky at the 1899 World Congress of Socialist Parties and remains a member today as well as being one of its leading members.
So, what do we think about the SPD? Well, it's a good thing that they're not just a party for old people or rich people because they have a lot of supporters who are young and old. The party takes care of everyone from immigrants to disabled people. They also work hard on issues such as climate change so everyone can have clean air and water.